
Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

Female 11.8 years

Adopted Added December 15, 2012

Patty is about 13 weeks old.    She is the daugher of Peppermint.   This puppy has a strong working type personality with emphasis on using her nose for scent detection.   We are looking for a home that would like to do competitive scent detection like "Nose Work" or Search and Rescue, or any type of tracking.    She has strong hunt drive and is methodical about her ability to search for scent.    She is not a soft , cuddly puppy for the ave. pet home, but she is extremely high intelligence and loves to work.    Patty has a deformed hind foot from birth that will require she wear a boot, but otherwise she is very very healthy.   Patty is great with other dogs and all people and is crate trained and very social.    Please call us about Patty as she needs a job!    Puppies like this are hard to find for competitive type owners in dog sports. 

Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

We can help more dogs if we have more volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact us.

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