
Our website always needs some type of updating whether to add new dogs, add educational material and other resources or ensure all links are active. Volunteer opportunities are available such as being the main Webmaster to volunteering to update a certain rapidly changing part of the website such as the Available Dogs page.

The Webmaster volunteer position is one of them most important ways we have to let people know about our dogs and our rescue group. This volunteer position requires someone who has time to make changes to information on the website such as new dog additions, event additions, items we are highlighting in our highlight boxes and similar, on a close to daily basis. The skills required for this position include photo editing skills such as reducing photo size appropriately and making thumbnail photos, along with some familiarity with html in terms of recognizing some of the most typical code commands (you do not generally need to do any programing but sometimes the automatic templates used to insert content result in something that needs to be fixed with a simple code alteration), and familiarity with the types of formating and editing buttons that are typical in programs such as Microsoft Word to insert links, change text styles, insert images, and the like. Any website editing experience, blogging experience, or similar, is a bonus, such as using templates or using a Content Management System including Contribute or Dreamweaver.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Webmaster position, complete the Volunteer Questionnaire online to begin the process or contact us at We look forward to talking to you!