
Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

Female 11.6 years

Adopted Added April 08, 2014

Click here to see a video of Dana playing with her foster brother.

Dana is black and tan female German Shepherd who is about 18-24 months old and is a European type of GSD. She is very active, muscular for a female and loves to work for a reward. She appears to be very healthy and in excellent condition. Dana is good around other dogs and has been off leash without difficulty with other dogs. Dana would be a great choice for someone who wants to compete with a dog in agility, tracking or competition obedience work. She is fast, smart, and highly trainable by an experienced owner. Dana does not jump fences and does not chew and is very good in her crate. She would be a great runners dog. Dana is not a couch potato! She will thrive in an experienced home who loves this type of working lines dog. Dana has basic obedience training and she is very fast with responding to commands!

Dana is being fostered in the Napa area.

Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

We can help more dogs if we have more volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact us.

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