
Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

Female 15 years

Adopted Added May 10, 2014

Cindy is a female German Shepherd who is about 5 years old and weighs about 63 pounds. She needs to gain about 5 more pounds. Cindy has a wonderful, soft temperament, is easy to handle, is great at the vet office, and gets along with any dog that is respectful of her. She is good in the car, good in her crate and sleeps quietly all night in her crate. She most likely had a life where she was not well cared for as she was very thin and her coat was in poor condition when we received her but she is improving very quickly! Cindy is a very easy dog to walk and is fine around other dogs. She is very trainable with cats, and is fine with her foster cat and all people.

Sm. Dogs
Lg. Dogs

We can help more dogs if we have more volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact us.

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